In this episode, we reflect on international sports law and the governance of football. Joined by Dr. Antoine Duval, we discuss the complexities of the football transfer system, particularly considering historical shifts following two landmark judgements: the Bosman (European Court of Justice, 1995) and the Diarra (Court of Justice of the European Union, 2024) rulings.
How have these landmark rulings offered the possibility for the football transfer system to shift in favour of players? What even is a football transfer? And, more broadly, what legal and ethical issues arise around the ‘world's game' and football mega events like the upcoming 2034 FIFA Men’s World Cup, which will be hosted by Saudi Arabia? In this episode, we discuss all of this and more.
Dr Antoine Duval, Senior Researcher in International Law, TMC Asser Institute
Host and Editor:
Flora Bensadon, Research Trainee, TMC Asser Institute
Dr Carl Lewis, Researcher in Public International Law, TMC Asser Institute
Further reading:
A Duval, 'Football at a Crossroads' (2024) Verfassungsblog
Bosman ruling (Case C415/93): Union royal belge des sociétés de football association ASBL, Royal club liégeois SA v Jean March Bosman and others and Union des associations européennes de football (UEFA) v Jean-Marc Bosman.
Diarra ruling (Case C-650/22): Fédération internationale de football association (FIFA) v BZ.
For further information, news and readings on questions of transnational sports law please visit the Asser International Sports Law Centre webpage.